
It is with great sadness that we have learned about the death of our colleague and friend Gerd Sutter, at the age of 61 years. As the key initiator of MVA-based vaccine development technology he, a Professor at LMU in Munich, has collaborated with many of us for decades on the development of vaccines against measles, West Nile,  influenza,...
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On 31 January 2022, the ENDFLU Consortium has provided the Periodic Communication Report to the European Union. The Consortium is proud to present the presentations related to ENDFLU from the start of the project to this date.
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On 3 and 4 September 2020, the ENDFLU consortium officially started its activities by means of a virtual kick-off meeting.
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The EU Research and Innovation programme HORIZON 2020 has awarded a contract to a consortium that aims towards a next generation influenza vaccine to protect citizens worldwide (an EU-India collaboration). The ENDFLU consortium gathers seven European partners from five countries (NL, DE, BE, SE and CH) and seven Indian partners. Influenza claims high morbidity, disability...
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In the ENDFLU project, seven consortium partners from the EU and India work together in the development of next-generation influenza vaccines.
